Thursday, September 30, 2010

4 Year Anniversary!!!

I can't believe it but 4 years ago on a beautiful day, Andy and I were married in front of all of our family and friends. Happy 4-Year Anniversary Honey!!! It's been a fun-filled 4 years. Here's to sooo many more years and memories.
Love you lots!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Worldless Wednesday

...what a little cutie pie...

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Time Out!~

Brady has really been testing us is one place he is frequently sitting...and that is TIME OUT!!!
So many people tell us that he is always so smiley and happy and he is an angel at daycare...but more often than not, he is Mr. Mischevious at home. So, he gets to spend lots of time in Time out! :-)

Monday, September 27, 2010

Girls Minneapolis Weekend

This post is a little late but luckily we got all our software booted back up so I could pull pics off my smaller camera...
Here are some fun pics of our trip. We were able to hit up the outlet malls in Medford and Albertville, IKEA, Home Goods and Mall of America. We had some great laughs and it was so nice to get away for a weekend with 2 great friends! Miss you guys!

Abby and Sunita in the front

I was checking out the headphones in the back of the minivan!

In our hotel lobby

After our dinner at Crave in MOA

With our waiter who gave us free appetizers and 2 free desserts! He was tipped very well!

Dare Devil

Brady has turned in to quite the dare devil...he is not scared of jumping, running, leaping off of are just a couple pics of him in action...and this was all in a 10 minute time span...Aghh! He is exhausting!

He is now full-fledged jumping off the ottoman

Who wants to climb the stairs the normal way???

Time for a dance break...

Now I like to do summersaults or sometimes just try to stand on my head

This was the dismount after another jump...

Watching Daddy Mow...

Last night Andy needed to mow before the hectic week began. For some reason Brady was just infatuated with Andy mowing. He watched him out the back window and when Andy went to the front of the house, he had to go to the front door. In between though, it was all 'Dance Party' Cathcart style...the kid LOVES to's too funny!

Mr. Monkey...

One of Brady's favorite things to do is to turn on some music and is so funny! He really likes it when Jackson and Joel come over and all 3 of them dance...too cute! Here are just some fun pics for a Monday!

I'm a dancing maching momma!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Fun in Gowrie

I am back to blogging! It's been a LONG week and we're still working on a few things for the computer...aghh!
Well last weekend when I was in MN with Sunita and Abby, Andy and Brady headed up to Gowrie for the football game on Friday and on Saturday they hit up the Apple Orchard in Fort Dodge...from the looks of the pics, they had a great time!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Computer Woes

Just as I was getting on a roll and trying to post just about everday, we start having issues with our computer...aghh! It seems to be a re-occuring problem lately...first the internet didn't want to work (and really, what's the point of having a home computer without internet, let's face it...we don't do work on our computer!) and then there was issues with viruses and we needed to clear out our hard-drive and now it still doesn't want to pull up the internet...Grr! So long story short, no pics today and not sure when I'll be able to post. I am SO ready for a laptop and be done with these issues...add that to our wish list I guess!

I had a wonderful weekend with Abby and Sunita in Minneapolis. We got to do some serious retail therapy and catch up. It was so much fun!!! I will do a post with pics soon! So since I was gone, Andy was on daddy duty. They had a good weekend as well. On Friday they headed up to Gowrie for the football game and on Saturday visited the apple orchard in Fort Dodge.

A little update on Brady: Poor guy has a bad cold and we think his 2 year molars are coming in. HE HAS BEEN PACIFIER FREE FOR ALMOST A MONTH!!! So that has been exciting but with those teeth coming in, he has resorted to chewing/sucking on his fingers. He is talking more and more and even puts 2 words together. He is keeping us on our toes as always. He is so on-the-go...he only has one speed: Turbo! He loves all things sports related, every round object is 'ball'. I am starting his birthday party planning. I can't believe he will be 2 in just a couple of months!

I will try to post later this week!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Fun with Grandma and Grandpa Petersen

On a whim on Sunday, I decided to go back to my parents with Brady. Andy was going to be working on the deck all day. We went back for a few hours. We had a great lunch, watched a little football and then went to the park, the softball/baseball fields that are named after my grandfather and finished with a walk around town. Needless to say, Brady napped very well. It was a nice short trip and we had lots of fun!

'Helping' Grandpa pick up walnuts...although I think he was more so throwing them back into their yard...Oops!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Worldess Wednesday

...was he ever really this small?? (Although he wasn't 'small' from the get go!)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Go Hawkeyes!

On Saturday we headed over to the Fuhrman's for the big Iowa vs ISU game. It was a mixed house as Bryce and Meggie and some of their friends were ISU fans. But Andy, Brady and I and Jenn and the boys evened it out. It was fun to get all the kiddos together and have some yummy food too!
Brady loved playing downstairs and kept shooting baskets...silly boy!

Monday, September 13, 2010


My allergies have gotten SO much better! Last Tuesday I was able to get in to a new allergist. I had to do the allergy testing and the doctor told that that on a scale of 1 to 10, my allergies were an 11. He gave me some meds to take to relieve the agony I was in. He prescribed me new eye drops, nose spray and 2 pills to take each day. It's one heck of a regimen but if it helps, I'm all for it. I will also be starting weekly allergy shots again (for probably 5 years he informed me). Yuk! But it is the right thing to do if I want to enjoy the spring and fall seasons. So I am feeling normal again...AMEN!
I will post more later today about our weekend, etc.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Worldless Wednesday

Brady's new kicks...soo cute!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Take My Picture Mommy

Lately Brady has LOVED getting his picture taken...he loves when we get the camera or video camera out. He starts to ham it up for the camera! Too funny! Here's a little photo shoot we did on Saturday. I can't believe it was jeans and long sleeve shirt weather...LOVE it~

Monday, September 6, 2010

Allergies, Allergies, Allergies...

Well I'd like to say that we've had a wonderful Labor Day Weekend...but that wouldn't be true. I have been MISERABLE due to my severe allergies. This past week has been very difficult. I've woke up with my eyes swollen shut and matted shut with yucky eye goop. I've sneezed uncontrollably, itched my eyes so much that they're raw and bright red and blown my nose so much that it's raw to the touch...all of this and I haven't even gone outside really since Saturday. Luckily on Friday I begged my allergist's office to get me in earlier than my Sept. 16th appointment date. This time of year is my favorite due to weather, football, etc but I can't get out and enjoy it as it's the worst time for my allergies. I'm hoping for some relief on Tuesday!
Here are just some fun pics of Brady being goofy!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Brady's New Favorite Toy

We got Brady a Tee and Bat set because he had so much fun playing with Luke's! Grandpa Tony will be so happy to know we're starting him early!
Scary thing is...he is pretty good!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

...this is one of my all time favorite pics of Brady...had to share today...