Wednesday, November 30, 2011
I turn my back for one second...
...and this is what I find...someone had fun with his stickers. And by the way, he wore his 'sticker pants' (his pants were COVERED with stickers) back to my was quite the fashion statement!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011
New Wheels
Monday, November 28, 2011
Happy Thanksgiving!
We had a great Thanksgiving! On Wednesday after Andy got off work, we headed back to Kimballton to my parents. We got to visit and see some old friends that we haven't seen for a while. Most of the 'crew' went downtown to the bar but this pregnant lady stayed home and went to bed...On Thursday we headed up to my Grandma's for the Parker Thanksgiving. We had a yummy fried turkey and tons of sides and desserts. We definitely got our fill! Brady and Cadence got to play together for a couple of days and had so much fun! Then that night I headed to Atlantic with my parents for a little black Friday, Walmart style. Ha ha! Got a few things but I'm not a crazy Black Friday shopper but for some reason I just love going! My parents got a few things for the grandkiddos so it was a well worth-it trip!
After Brady got up from his nap we headed up to Gowrie. We had a nice time visiting and relaxing. On Saturday Brad, Steph, Jaxson and Holden arrived and Brady was excited to see them and to play. There was a lot of coloring, playing with cars, playing with a ball, running around and book reading. I know Brady had fun and they all played together really well. On Saturday evening we had our Thanksgiving dinner. We had a yummy traditional feast and no one left the table hungry that's for sure. Then we headed back home on Sunday after a long time away from home. It's always so nice to spend time with family but it's also great to get home, get back into a routine and sleep in our own beds. We have so much to be thankful for and had a wonderful holiday!
For some reason I didn't get any pics taken at my parents...I'll have to make up for that at Christmas!

After Brady got up from his nap we headed up to Gowrie. We had a nice time visiting and relaxing. On Saturday Brad, Steph, Jaxson and Holden arrived and Brady was excited to see them and to play. There was a lot of coloring, playing with cars, playing with a ball, running around and book reading. I know Brady had fun and they all played together really well. On Saturday evening we had our Thanksgiving dinner. We had a yummy traditional feast and no one left the table hungry that's for sure. Then we headed back home on Sunday after a long time away from home. It's always so nice to spend time with family but it's also great to get home, get back into a routine and sleep in our own beds. We have so much to be thankful for and had a wonderful holiday!
For some reason I didn't get any pics taken at my parents...I'll have to make up for that at Christmas!
Monday, November 21, 2011
Productive Weekend
We had one crazy, productive weekend!
On Friday, I met my mom and dropped Mr. Brady off with her for them to take him for the weekend so Andy and I could get some stuff done. It's so much easier without a very curious (almost 3 year old) around. After meeting my mom, Andy met me in West Des Moines and we did some shopping, ordered Brady's birthday cake and then decided to go out for dinner at one of our favorites...Chicago Speakeasy. Yummo! It was soo good. Then we called it a night.
Our adventures on Saturday started at 6 a.m. We headed up to Mankato, MN to look at a car for Andy. He's been researching cars for so long and knew exactly what he wanted. And luckily the car we went to look at was just what he wanted! He got a 2011 Toyota Camry SE. He loves it! What wasn't great was how long the whole process took. Bless his heart but Andy is a bit of a perfectionist so he had them touch up a couple things on the car and it took longer than expected. So while he was dealing with that, I went and did a little more Christmas shopping (happy to report that we're more than 75% done already!). Then we headed home around 3 p.m. Well Minnesota got some nasty weather starting at noon that day so our drive was a little slow but we made it home around 6 p.m. We were both exhausted and went to bed somewhat early. Andy is very happy with our purchase...I'll post pics soon!
Then yesterday I did a little more shopping and then went back to my parents to get Brady and have lunch. Then he and I headed home (Andy stayed home to work on some things that needed done...i.e. his car and to hang Christmas lights). Once we were home, then it was time to get the Christmas stuff out. This is the only time we have until Christmas basically! So we have all of our decorations up and the tree. And Brady LOVES it! Every time he walks in to a room with a lighted tree (and we have several) he just points to it and says 'Look mommy, pretty tree'. I just love his enthusiasm over the holidays! This will be one fun Christmas this year! But first we have to get everything ready for his big 3rd Birthday party in less than 2 weeks!!! Yikes! Pics to come soon!
On Friday, I met my mom and dropped Mr. Brady off with her for them to take him for the weekend so Andy and I could get some stuff done. It's so much easier without a very curious (almost 3 year old) around. After meeting my mom, Andy met me in West Des Moines and we did some shopping, ordered Brady's birthday cake and then decided to go out for dinner at one of our favorites...Chicago Speakeasy. Yummo! It was soo good. Then we called it a night.
Our adventures on Saturday started at 6 a.m. We headed up to Mankato, MN to look at a car for Andy. He's been researching cars for so long and knew exactly what he wanted. And luckily the car we went to look at was just what he wanted! He got a 2011 Toyota Camry SE. He loves it! What wasn't great was how long the whole process took. Bless his heart but Andy is a bit of a perfectionist so he had them touch up a couple things on the car and it took longer than expected. So while he was dealing with that, I went and did a little more Christmas shopping (happy to report that we're more than 75% done already!). Then we headed home around 3 p.m. Well Minnesota got some nasty weather starting at noon that day so our drive was a little slow but we made it home around 6 p.m. We were both exhausted and went to bed somewhat early. Andy is very happy with our purchase...I'll post pics soon!
Then yesterday I did a little more shopping and then went back to my parents to get Brady and have lunch. Then he and I headed home (Andy stayed home to work on some things that needed done...i.e. his car and to hang Christmas lights). Once we were home, then it was time to get the Christmas stuff out. This is the only time we have until Christmas basically! So we have all of our decorations up and the tree. And Brady LOVES it! Every time he walks in to a room with a lighted tree (and we have several) he just points to it and says 'Look mommy, pretty tree'. I just love his enthusiasm over the holidays! This will be one fun Christmas this year! But first we have to get everything ready for his big 3rd Birthday party in less than 2 weeks!!! Yikes! Pics to come soon!
Friday, November 18, 2011
18 Weeks
Yesterday I hit the 18 week mark. Last Friday I had an appointment and all looked great! Baby's heart beat was a little hard to keep track of because the little peanut wouldn't stop moving for the nurse to get it...but it was a strong 160 bpm. We set up the ultrasound for November 30th, we're both really excited to see the baby and that will also mean that I'm halfway through! Woo Hoo!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011
3 Year Pics
Check out Jennifer Waters Photography Blog (on my side bar). She has a preview up of Brady's 3 year pics...they are so good!
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
On Saturday, after eating lunch in Gowrie, Andy and I drove up to Clear Lake and sold Andy's 2nd child...his car. It was a little bittersweet for him as he was pretty attached to it and took care of it like it was a child of his. We decided to sell it and get a different car for when this 2nd baby comes. The Grand Prix was a great car for him but not the best 'family' car. The backseat isn't very big and having 2 car seats in there just wasn't going to work for us. We sold the car faster than we expected to so in the meantime we are using one of Steve's mail cars until Andy finds the car he wants (Thanks Steve!). Here's one last pic of Andy's baby...
Monday, November 14, 2011
Busy Weekend
We had a very busy weekend! Andy had Friday off and then on Saturday we headed up to Gowrie for the day. Brady had lots of fun playing and baking cookies with Nana. He loves to 'help' these days with every task we do so he enjoyed baking with Nana. We had a very nice visit (Andy and I did some driving but I'll post more on that later). After dinner we headed back home. On Sunday we had family pics and Brady's 3 year old pics taken...can't wait to get them back! Jen always does such a great job!

Looking at the birds at the bird feeders

He loves playing Horsey..lucky Papa!
Looking at the birds at the bird feeders
He loves playing Horsey..lucky Papa!
Friday, November 11, 2011
17 Weeks
17 weeks along...I had a rough week last week with getting a mild sinus infection that is now more of a cold. I did have to take a day off work to try to get some sleep as for the past couple of weeks, sleep hasn't been easy. Not sure what the deal is but I keep waking up! Aghh! But I'm feeling the baby move more and more so that is exciting!

Thursday, November 10, 2011
It's Party Time!
On Saturday Brady headed over to Luke's house for his 4th birthday party! Bryce and Meggie had a fun kid-only party for the neighbor boys. They all had so much fun! The party is all Brady has talked about for days! Happy Birthday Luke!

Ready for the party!

I stole this great pic from Meggie's Facebook! :-) Love it!
Ready for the party!

I stole this great pic from Meggie's Facebook! :-) Love it!
Friday, November 4, 2011
16 Weeks
I am now 16 weeks along! I'm feeling okay for the most part. I'm just waiting for that 'feeling really good second trimester' to kick in! Hopefully soon! I've started to feel Baby C #2 flutter around and it's such an amazing feeling. Definitely makes any sickness worth it! I go in for another check-up next Friday!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Trick-or-Treat Time
On Sunday we took Brady trick-or-treating. We met up with the Waters and Fuhrmans and all 4 boys went together. They had a ton of fun. Brady loved running from house to house and did a pretty good job of saying Trick-or-Treat and Thank you to everyone. He got a ton of candy! And every night since he has said he wants to go 'Trip-a-Treat' a couple of times we've let him knock on the door and get a treat. This age is so fun!

We went to go see Travis and Nicole before we hit the neighborhood

The boys in action
We went to go see Travis and Nicole before we hit the neighborhood
The boys in action
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Fun at the Park
On Saturday we took Brady to the park to run off some of his energy. We had a pretty productive yet laid back day. We did LOTS of organizing and got rid of a lot of stuff. Then we relaxed and decided it was time to go to the park. Brady had lots of fun and we went for ice cream afterwards. All in all, a great afternoon!

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