Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Faker Faker
Brady's new thing is to pretend that he's sleeping. He'll do this when we go in to get him in the morning or at nap time. We'll think he's asleep and then he'll jump up or yell out (usually when I'm picking something up in his room and he scares the you-know-what out of me). The other day in the car, he did the same thing...we thought for sure he was sound asleep in his car seat but low and behold, he was just faking...then he kept wanting me to take his picture of him fake-sleeping...what a little ham!

Monday, January 30, 2012
Keepin' Busy
On Saturday we ran errands out west. We hit up Jordan Creek and Brady got to play at the play area. He had lots of fun and ran off some energy. Then it was our weekly trip to Costco. We just love that place! They have the best organic selections, fruits, veggies, etc...we just wish we lived a little closer!

Mr. On-the-Go!
Mr. On-the-Go!
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Brady Update
I really want to remember everything about this fun age with Brady. He says and does the funniest things! There are so many times I catch myself and wonder 'Did he really say that'? Because a) it's either hilarious or b)there's no way he can be old enough to know these things!
Right now his favorite toys are trains and his basketball hoop (we got him a NERF over-the-door hoop to go along with his standing hoop). He likes the challenge of it being up higher and when he misses, he'll say 'Oh, man, I missed but I keep trying'. He is still infatuated with both Chuggington and Thomas trains. He takes trains out to daycare every day and when I pick him up he always says he wants to play with his trains. He has so many trains from both shows but he definitely knows if he doesn't have one...he'll say 'I'll ask my Santa for Harrison, Mommy'. He is still fixated on Santa and if he sees a toy he wants he'll say that he'll have to ask 'HIS' Santa. Too funny!
His favorite color now is orange...which has changed from purple and green. He could still drink a gallon of milk each day if we let him (but we also don't allow juice or any other sugary drink). He isn't much of a meal eater, he's much more of a snacker. He is doing really well with potty training. One day he just said 'Mommy, I go to the bathroom' and that was it..he's been going many times during the day since. He doesn't like to go #2 on the potty yet but he'll get there.
He is also pretty enamoured with my growing belly. He's said many times, 'Mommy, you're belly is getting BIG' (with a look of shock on his face). But he really isn't showing much interest in the baby for the most part. His world is about to turn upside down and I'm preparing myself for the worst when it comes to his reaction to the baby. He LOVES the 2 babies out at daycare and will play with them and give them kisses but with him being such a mommy's boy, it could be a tough transition for him to have to share with the baby for my attention. Andy and I will be prepared and will do as much stuff one-on-one with him as we can to help him adjust.
Brady, you are such a fun-loving, caring little boy and although 3 can be tough sometimes, it is also so much fun! I love your little personality and can't wait to see what the next chapter of your life will be like!
We love you so much!!
Right now his favorite toys are trains and his basketball hoop (we got him a NERF over-the-door hoop to go along with his standing hoop). He likes the challenge of it being up higher and when he misses, he'll say 'Oh, man, I missed but I keep trying'. He is still infatuated with both Chuggington and Thomas trains. He takes trains out to daycare every day and when I pick him up he always says he wants to play with his trains. He has so many trains from both shows but he definitely knows if he doesn't have one...he'll say 'I'll ask my Santa for Harrison, Mommy'. He is still fixated on Santa and if he sees a toy he wants he'll say that he'll have to ask 'HIS' Santa. Too funny!
His favorite color now is orange...which has changed from purple and green. He could still drink a gallon of milk each day if we let him (but we also don't allow juice or any other sugary drink). He isn't much of a meal eater, he's much more of a snacker. He is doing really well with potty training. One day he just said 'Mommy, I go to the bathroom' and that was it..he's been going many times during the day since. He doesn't like to go #2 on the potty yet but he'll get there.
He is also pretty enamoured with my growing belly. He's said many times, 'Mommy, you're belly is getting BIG' (with a look of shock on his face). But he really isn't showing much interest in the baby for the most part. His world is about to turn upside down and I'm preparing myself for the worst when it comes to his reaction to the baby. He LOVES the 2 babies out at daycare and will play with them and give them kisses but with him being such a mommy's boy, it could be a tough transition for him to have to share with the baby for my attention. Andy and I will be prepared and will do as much stuff one-on-one with him as we can to help him adjust.
Brady, you are such a fun-loving, caring little boy and although 3 can be tough sometimes, it is also so much fun! I love your little personality and can't wait to see what the next chapter of your life will be like!
We love you so much!!
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Okay so this week I will be taking a little blog hiatus...I have our annual wellness screenings at work and am at work by 5:30 a.m. every day this week (and sometimes 5 a.m.) and by the end of the day, blogging is the last thing on my mind. I'll be back to regular blogging next week!
We've been keeping pretty busy so I do have a few things to blog about but no desire to upload all the pictures, write about it and post it.
See you next week!
We've been keeping pretty busy so I do have a few things to blog about but no desire to upload all the pictures, write about it and post it.
See you next week!
Friday, January 13, 2012
26 Weeks
26 weeks already! I had an appointment on Tuesday and everything went really well. Baby is healthy, measuring on target, nice strong heart rate at 144. We were able to schedule my c-section for April 12th at 7:15 a.m. I am so excited! It will be here before we know it! In about 2 weeks I have my glucose test for getstational diabetes and then after that I'll be going every 2 weeks! Hard to believe we're already to that part! Been feeling pretty good so that's a huge bonus. I've had to cut back my workouts a little as I was getting terrible pulling and side aches but I've just tried to slow down a little and that seems to help!
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Birthday Party!
On Sunday we headed to Brad and Stephanie's for Holden's 2nd Birthday Party. Brady really loves Birthday parties and really loves singing 'Happy Birthday'. We had some pizza, watched Holden open presents and then had some cake and homemade ice cream! It was great seeing everyone and I can't believe Mr. Holden is 2 years old already!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012
What a Winter!
Last Thursday I picked Brady up from daycare and we went to the park! We had so much fun playing, he really enjoyed it!
We've been doing some fun stuff with our little man the past couple of weeks. We want to do as much with him as we can before this baby rocks his world! On Saturday, he got to go with Bryce, Luke, Daddy and Milo (Bryce's dog) to some conservation land and the boys ran around, threw sticks and rocks into the water and played hard with Milo. Then they had lunch at McD's. Then after his nap we went to his very first movie...We saw the Chipmunks movie and he LOVED it! He was mezmerized the whole time and would shout things out. It was so fun to watch him get so excited! Then on Sunday we went to the mall to run some errands and he got to play in the play area...he played hard! We're trying to find things for him to do that burns off some major energy!! Luckily this weather has really cooperated!

We've been doing some fun stuff with our little man the past couple of weeks. We want to do as much with him as we can before this baby rocks his world! On Saturday, he got to go with Bryce, Luke, Daddy and Milo (Bryce's dog) to some conservation land and the boys ran around, threw sticks and rocks into the water and played hard with Milo. Then they had lunch at McD's. Then after his nap we went to his very first movie...We saw the Chipmunks movie and he LOVED it! He was mezmerized the whole time and would shout things out. It was so fun to watch him get so excited! Then on Sunday we went to the mall to run some errands and he got to play in the play area...he played hard! We're trying to find things for him to do that burns off some major energy!! Luckily this weather has really cooperated!
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Happy Birthday Andy!
Today is Andy's big 32nd Birthday!! Brady and I just wanted to say 'Happy Birthday' and we love you so much! You are an amazing husband and such a loving father. We are so lucky to have you! We hope you have a great day and we look forward to some Jethro's BBQ tonight with the Cathcarts to celebrate!!
Happy Birthday Honey!!!

Happy Birthday Honey!!!
Monday, January 9, 2012
25 Weeks
On Thursday I hit 25 weeks (I know I'm a little behind on this post). Feeling pretty good for the most part! I have my next appointment tomorrow (Tuesday) and we're supposed to schedule the c-section, which I'm excited about, and schedule my glucose test...that should be in 1-2 weeks and then I'll be going every 2 weeks to my appointments...that just seems unreal! It's really going fast! We're making lots of progress to get ready for this baby. The nursery is pretty much ready to go, just awaiting to find out what Baby C is! We've been stocking up on diapers, wipes, all natural baby wash, getting the bottles all ready to go, etc. We're getting very excited!!
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Bird Watching
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Dance Party
Monday, January 2, 2012
Cathcart Christmas
On Friday, we headed up to Gowrie for the Cathcart Christmas. We got up there around noon, ate lunch and Brady took a nap. We just relaxed and watched some football. Brady played, colored, watched the birds at the bird feeders in the backyard and listened for the trains (there is a train track not too far from Steve and Kris's). Andy enjoyed some relaxing time in the hot tub! Then on Saturday morning Brad, Steph and the boys came up and we opened presents. It's just so fun to watch how excited Brady got. We all were super spoiled! Then we spent the afternoon getting ready for the big dinner that evening. Karl and Lisa came over and we had a wonderful prime rib dinner with all the fixings and plenty of desserts. We definitely weren't shorted on the food over the weekend! Then on Sunday we got up, ate some breakfast, visited some more and headed home to get ready for the week. It was a great weekend!

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