Yesterday (Thursday) Grandma Kris came down for the day--and boy did we appreciate it! We had Brady's 1st weigh-in/check up at the pediatrician's office. He is doing great so far! His weight is at 8 lbs 1 ounce, so 1 pound less than when he was born and they were really happy with that. His jaundice level is really low and we don't need to be concerned with that anymore either. After the appointment, I wasn't feeling so good--my headaches have been extremely painful and then my incision is a little sore. So Kris and I grabbed some lunch (Andy had a dentist's appointment in West DSM) and I was able to come home and take a nap! It was great! While Andy was running errands, Kris and I went through some baby clothes that my generous neighbor Jen lent to us! There are so many cute things and Andy and I are SO appreciative to the Waters for bringing those over! Kris also made us a wonderful roast with all the fixins--I never knew how great it is for people to make food for you--needless to say, I haven't been cooking and neither has Andy.
So all in all, we've had a great few days at home. We are enjoying our time with Brady. We will be having some visitors over the weekend and I'm really excited for them to meet Brady. Andy is going back to work on Monday but luckily my mom will be coming to stay for the week! We're excited to have another helping hand at the house!!

Aunt Lisa

Lounging in his Pack 'n Play

Grandma Kris

All bundled up for his 1st trip to the Pediatrician...the hat is just a little too big!!

Brady HAS to be swaddled pretty much at all times...
Don't feel bad that he has to be swaddled all the time, the boys still at 4.5 months STILL love to be swaddled at night!!!