It seems as though I usually only post about what we do on the weekends or fun things going on but I decided I'd just give an update on the 3 of us and what's going on in our lives...
Well most of you know that Wells Fargo Financial is closing, meaning that around 2,000 jobs in the DSM area alone will most likely be gone. Luckily, Andy is part of a small minority within the company that didn't lose his job. We feel SO lucky but feel terrible for many friends that aren't so lucky. We keep them in our prayers each night.
Andy is loving this summer weather! I swear the man is a lizard! He can be out in this heat and loves it! He has been enjoying running over his lunch hour and also washing the cars, doing yardwork, being at any pool and hanging out with family and friends.
For a while now he has been complaining of chest pains and has undergone 1 treadmill stress test (which is NOT fun at all...think high grade elevated treadmill and then increase your speed...yuk!). Well unfortunately it came back inconclusive. He was supposed to go in and do another one last week but had to cancel as he was called in for the Wells Fargo meeting instead. So this time he will be hooked up to more monitors to see if they can get a clear picture as to what is going on. Please keep him in your prayers. We'd just like to know once and for all what this is all about.
Well I am still loving my job here at Grand View. I keep pretty busy with helping the staff and faculty get healthy and have started some group exercise classes for them and they have been a hit so far! I am really looking forward to fall when we'll have football and soccer games to go to. I've gotten to know a lot of students here at GV (many work for me for work study) and can't wait to see them play sports starting in the fall. I know Brady will love going to the games too! I have still been doing Farrells and running in the early mornings with friends. I, unlike Andy, do not like it when it's SO hot out (well the heat is okay, it's the humidity I don't like)...could be because I sweat like no other!! Ha ha!
I am SO looking forward to our family vacation at the end of July. It's a great time up in Minnesota with a lot of family (aunts, uncles, cousins, parents, etc). The real adventure will be having Brady in a vehicle for the 6+ hour drive. We have already ordered travel DVD players and hope they get here very soon!!!
Well our little monkey LOVES being outside. Some days he is really good in the pool and loves it and others not so much...depends on his mood. He jibber jabbers up a storm and does not stay still for more than about a minute! He doesn't like to walk--he RUNS everywhere! He is sleeping really well for us (hope I didn't just jinx it) and we are getting ready to ween him off of his pacifier. Right now he only gets it in his crib at nap or bed time...the next step is to slowly cut the paci back in stages and hopefully it will work! He will only drink milk or water (which I'm totally okay with) and would rather snack a lot than eat meals. He is so much fun to play with and he is starting to say real words...dada, mama, all done,'s so fun to see him become a little man!
Well that's a little update on us. I will post more with pictures to come!
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Thanks for the update! Love seeing how Brady chnges and keeping up with you guys! Glad to hear Andy gets to keep his job~ Dave is on the other side,(please add us to your prayer list). Take care!