A. Age: 32
B. Bed Size: We have a Queen
C. Chore I hate: Cleaning bathrooms...makes me gag every time!
D. Dogs: Much to Andy's disappointment, we do not have a dog right now...maybe in our next home.
E. Essential Start to My Day: Wake up, brush teeth, workout, shower
F. Favorite Color: Sounds boring but right now, Gray
G. Gold or Silver: Silver
H. Height: A mighty 5'4" (although my college basketball coach would put my height as 5'7" in the roster...ha ha!)
I. Instruments you play: I played a killer sax in junior high!
J. Job Title: Wellness Director. Love my job at Grand View!
K. Kids: Our silly little boy Brady (who is almost 3!!)
L. Live: Good ole Ankeny, Iowa
M. Mother's Name: Roxanne (also the name of my first roommate in college)
N. Nicknames: Min, Pete (college nickname) and Dink (nickname when I was little)
O. Overnight Hospital Stays: Only once...for my C-section with Brady
P. Pet Peeves: When people are late...I'm usually early or right on time and it bugs me when others are late (could be my OCD kicking in!)
Q. Quote from a movie: "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get" (Forrest Gump)
R. Right or Left-Handed: I'm a Righty
S. Siblings: Chris (30) who lives in Carroll and Nick (28) who lives in Johnston
T. Things that Drive me Crazy: Tube socks!! I can't stand them, especially when worn with shorts...aghh!
U. Underwear: Um, yes??
V. Vegetable I hate: Cauliflower
W. What makes you run late: Sorry honey, but usually it's my husband...
X. X-rays I've had: When I broke my thumb in college (basketball injury) and I think that's it
Y. Yummy food I make: I love to bake...so maybe cupcakes??
Z. Zoo Animal: Giraffes...their height is amazing!
Very cool. . . I love this idea Mindy. I'm probably going to steal it. And why did I think you were left handed? hmm.. . well, I guess I learned something then :)