Last night we took Brady to Grand View for the Safe Night Out Trick-or-Treating. What they do is that the students hand out candy in their dorm rooms (and suites and apartments) and most of them dress up too! Brady had SO much fun! He had no problem knocking on their doors and saying Trip-a-Treat' (his version of Trick-or-Treat). They even had pumpkin painting for the kids to do. We will definitely do it again next year...even more reason I love working for this university!
Brady is Wilson from Chuggington (a train show he likes). He picked his costume out himself...gone are the days of dressing him up as some cute animal...sigh...

This is where he said 'Follow me guys' like he knew his way around campus!

Some of the girls took pictures of him...too cute!

He was very proud of his painted pumpkin!
He looks very cute!! I wish GV would have done that when I was there; that sounds like fun!