On Tuesday morning Andy and I were able to take Brady to preschool for his Christmas program. It was SO cute! They sang about 7 songs and Brady was just singing his little heart out. He was front and center and he was all about it! After they sang their songs we went to their room and Santa was there so the kiddos were able to talk to him, we had cookies & milk, were given some crafts the kids made and were able to talk with Miss Tami and Miss Lauri (his teachers). I have to brag a bit on our Brady--both the teachers went on and on about how happy and loving Brady is. Miss Lauri said that if she had a t-shirt that said 'I Love Life' it would have Brady's face on it. They said they love having him in class, that he is pure joy and that he says the funniest things (which worries me...who knows what he's saying in school because he tells quite the stories to us!). He was on cloud nine during his program and loved showing us around. It was the best way to start my day!

He waved to us multiple times!
Snack Time!
His special day really wiped him out...when we came downstairs at 6:30 while he was watching his Caillou, he was fast asleep! He's NEVER done that!! We scooped him up and put him in bed and he slept all through the night!
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