On Sunday, Andy entered the 30's! I've been waiting the past 4 1/2 months for him to join me! Happy Birthday honey, hope you had a great day!!!!
On Saturday night we had a little mini-family celebration. I made a nice dinner for the 3 of us and we were able to have a great night as a family.
On Sunday we met Kris, Steve, Brad, Steph, Jaxson and Holden at Andy's favorite Famous Dave's for lunch to celebrate both Andy's birthday on the 10th and Steve's on the 11th. After lunch we all headed to our house for some awesome cake and ice cream. It was fun to have everyone together and have all 3 Cathcart kiddos together. Brady and Jaxson were as entertaining as always. It was great to watch them play together.

Jaxson helping Papa open his gifts and Brady destroying the tissue paper

Having fun on Papa's shoulders
Family Pic

All the Cathcart boys...we need a girl to break up this testosterone!

Brady, Steph, Jaxson and Holden

Kris and Steve with their Grandbabies

Jaxson and Brady playing
Brady's new favorite toy...we got it for him for his birthday...it is so funny to watch him on it!