Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

Brady got to do a little early Trick-or-Treating when we went up to Gowrie on Sunday so we could see Kris and Steve.  Steve had recently had surgery on his shoulder so we wanted to go up and see him and we brought the boys' costumes with so they could see them...we have one handsome 'Police Officer' as Brady says and one cute little puppy...

 Love this picture!
 He even practiced Trick-or-Treating...

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Mr. Entertainer

I'm sure I've said it a million times but Brady loves Mason so much and loves to entertain him.  His favorite thing to do is make Mason laugh.  Whenever Mason is fussy Brady will do funny things to make him dance or tickle him.  And Mason adores Brady...anytime Mason can see Brady he just smiles at him and laughs.  These two make us so happy and we can't wait to see their relationship grow even more!

 Brady now asks to hold Mason multiple times a day
 Dancing to make Mason laugh

Monday, October 29, 2012

Carving Fun

Andy and Brady had fun carving a pumpkin for Brady.  Brady's request was 'something scary', so daddy did a scary face.  He did a great job and Brady had fun getting his hands in to get the seeds out.  He was very proud of the finished product...they had lots of fun and Brady said he wanted to carve more...ha ha!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Back It Up!

Well my week-off hiatus is officially over. Although I'm not sure I was officially on hiatus, I just didn't blog.  We've had lots going on but no time to blog!  So here are some fun pics from last weekend.  We headed back to Kimballton on Saturday morning for a fun-filled day.  We got to spend the day with my mom, Chris, JoAnna, Cadence and my brother Nick.  The kids had a great time playing together--Brady and Cadence play so well together!  In the afternoon we headed to a small pumpkin patch in Atlantic so the kids could pick out a pumpkin to paint at Grandma and Grandpa's house (Grandpa was in Minnesota fishing so he missed out on the fun).  Here is our fun day in pics!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Foto Friday

Just some cute pics of my cuties!

Thursday, October 18, 2012


This is what happened to Brady when daddy was holding Mason and he stood brother spit up in his hair...ha ha ha!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

6 Months Old!

I can't believe that our baby boy was 6 months old last Friday!  Wow!  This half-a-year has FLOWN by!  On Monday Mason had his 6 month check-up.
Weight:  18.3 lbs
Height: 26 7/8"
His weight is in the 72% range and his height is in the 36% range...totally different from big brother's 95% range for all of his stats...FYI--Brady was 18.8 lbs at his 4 month appt...ha ha!
Mason here's a few of your highlights:
*You are eating fruits, veggies and oatmeal. You prefer food over your bottle
*You are still eating once in the night and waking up multiple times (aghh!)
*You love the Jump-a-roo and Exersaucer
*You can roll all around!
*You LOVE your big brother and watch him like a hawk any time he's around
*You love being outside...if you get crabby, we take you outside and you're fine
*You are such a happy baby, you wake up with a huge smile on your face
*You love bath time!  You kick and kick and mommy usually gets soaked!
We love you SO much and can't wait to see what the next 6 months bring!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Good Big Brother

Brady loves his baby brother.  He loves to share his toys with Mason and many mornings he goes in to see Mason and has even started reading to him (he started doing this on his own and it's sooo cute!).  Can't wait to see how close these two get as the years go by!

 Notice all of Brady's stuffed animals in with Mason!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Blue Eyed Boy

Mason started eating some homemade veggies and fruit and LOVES them!!  You can see some of his dinner left on his face...ha ha ha!  

 Love that face...those eyes and eyelashes...too cute!!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

A Few Random Pics

Here are some random pics of the boys...who wants to read a long post?  Pictures are better in my book!

A little catch up...

Well it's pretty apparent that I've been totally MIA on the blog lately.  And honestly I just haven't wanted to get caught up (sounds bad, I know) but we've been busy and TIRED...Andy and I both have been working longer than normal, have a baby that still likes to visit with us a couple of times a night and we both started a new workout program that has us pretty tired.  The thought of going over everything that's happened in the past couple of weeks just wipes me out...instead I'll just do a camera 'dump' and tell some of the stories through pictures...
We visited Center Grove Orchard again...the BEST membership we buy every year!!!

 Brady LOVES feeding the animals

This was right before Mason fell asleep on the tractor ride :-)

I have more posts that will hopefully get us caught up!!