Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Things have been pretty busy and hectic for us over the past two weeks! We had a great Memorial Day weekend! We headed back to Kimballton on Friday and had a nice grill out at my parents. Then on Saturday morning we headed up to Elk Horn for the Tivoli Fest (a Danish Festival) parade and to walk around town a little as there were vendors and other Danish things to look at. Then my parents took Brady back to their house so Andy and I could walk around and get some lunch. After lunch we headed out to the Smith family farm to play a wiffle ball tourney with a bunch of friends. It was a lot of fun, even though we played in a downpour! After the games were over we got ready and went up to the band that was playing to see friends, etc. I ran into lots of people I hadn't seen in a while which was great! We headed home on Sunday and had a barbecue at Jen and Jon's house. It was fun to hang out! Then on Monday we headed up to Ledges State Park in Boone for a grill out with the Cathcarts. It was one busy weekend!
I started Farrells this week which is an intense 10 week kickboxing/body shaping program. The first two days have been pretty intense but I love it! It pushes me a lot and will help me get back to pre-pregnancy shape! I also have the Dam to Dam 20K race this Saturday. Hopefully I'm not too sore from Farrells to run! Ha!
Brady is getting so big. I can't believe he's going to be 6 months in just a couple weeks. Where has the time gone? He has been such a good baby and is now sleeping through the night (knock on wood!!). He is rolling all over the place and I think it's just a matter of time before he's crawling. He kind of scoots on his tummy which is really funny to watch. Below are a few random pics from the past couple of weeks.

Brady is just hanging out, getting ready to go outside!

Grandma Petersen with Cadence and Brady

With Uncle Nick's Red Sox hat

My wiffle ball team--the Dane Freight Train...ha ha ha! Gotta love the Danish Flag hats!

Brady with Jaxson and Joel

Daddy and Brady outside

Someone fell asleep in the middle of eating...must have been really tired!

Our smiley baby!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Random Pics

I haven't posted in a while so you're going to get blog overload!

What a precious sleeper!

Happy baby--he's very intrigued with his tongue these days!

Exer-Saucer time!

"This is fun!"

Bath time, Brady's favorite time!

Brady's Room

Well we finally have gotten Brady's room all took long enough! We went with an airplane theme (with some cars too...). It's hard to get good pics in a room but here goes:

Happy Mother's Day!

I hope all you Mothers out there had a very special day on Sunday! I can say that my life has changed so much since we had Brady and I love every minute of it! Being a mommy is great! On Sunday I got up and did my training run and when I got home, Andy was starting to make me breakfast---well then we lost power so that idea went out the window! I got a beautiful card and a gift certificate to get a facial--I'm so excited to do that as I've always wanted to! Then we went out for lunch and did some things around the house. It was a nice and relaxing day with my boys!

One of our first pictures together

Tulip Time!

We had a great day on Saturday! We headed to Tulip Time in Pella and were excited for Brady to experience it for the first time. All of the flowers looked amazing! We were able to meet up with our good friends Travis, Ashley and Tessa. We walked around and most importantly ate some yummy food! We spent a few hours there and then came home and rested up after our long day!

"Hey Tessa, look over here!"

Tessa looks a little annoyed with Brady...ha ha ha!

Here's a cute one!

Family time!

5 Months Old

On May 6th Brady turned 5 months old! We can't believe how fast it's going! He is such a good baby. At his 4 month check up the doctor wanted him to come in again around 5 months because they were concerned with how large his head measured at 4 months. Andy took him in yesterday and his head measured smaller than it did at his 4 month check up...the nurse said that maybe he was wiggling around when she measured last all that worrying for a month for nothing! Oh well, at least he's okay!

Posing with the tulips
Pretty soon I'll be able to sit up all by myself!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Outside Fun!!

What great weather we had today! We took Brady outside for his first encounter with grass! He didn't seem to fazed by it. He did what he usually does when on the ground---legs up and rolled around!

Mommy, why do I have to wear this hat??


Today Brady was baptized! It was a great day, the weather was perfect and church service was wonderful. Pastor Scott did a great job. Brady's sponsors were my brother and sister-in-law (Chris and Jessica), my brother Nick and Andy's brother Brad and sister-in-law Stephanie. After the church service we came back to our house to grill out, enjoy the weather and chit chat. My grandmas were also able to come so that made it even more special. Here are some pic:

During the baptismal service

Brady getting baptized--he did so good! He didn't make a sound!

Pastor Scott showing Brady to the congregation

Cool Shades!

Brady wanting Grandpa Tony's food

Our adorable niece Cadence

Grandpa Tony with Cadence and Brady

Grandma and Grandpa Petersen with their grandbabies

With Grandma and Grandpa Cathcart

Brady's Cake

4 Generations

4 Generations

Brady with his Sponsors

Petersen Family

Cathcart Family

Day Care-Free Week

We had a very busy week! Our daycare lady was gone Tuesday -Friday so Brady got to see lots of family this past week. On Tuesday, Grandma Cathcart came to watch Brady and they had a great time. Steph and Jaxson were able to come over too! Then on Wednesday Grandpa Petersen came to spend the day with Brady. Thursday he went to play with Jaxson again while Stephanie watched him. They were able to go to the park and Brady loved the swing! Then on Thursday afternoon we headed back to Kimballton as I had the day off on Friday and was getting my hair done back home. It was a really busy week but Brady loved spending time with his grandmas and family!

Pics of Jaxson and Brady that I stole from Stephanie's blog!
I think he likes the swing!!!

With Uncle Nick

I'm a big boy!

This is my new favorite toy--daddy played with it when he was little too!

We started Brady on orange veggies last week. Here he is enjoying his first ever bite of sweet potatoes! Yummy!