Friday, February 22, 2013

For Real Friday--Life with Boys

To say our house is chaos most days is an understatement.  Life with a 4 year old and 10 month old (both boys at that) can be pretty crazy (and exhausting!!).  We go through phases of good behavior and bad behavior, good sleeping night and horrible sleeping nights...such is life with kids!  I refuse to paint this super rosy picture that our kids are perfect, always well-behaved and good listeners.  Brady has spent lots of time in this corner...his 'Tine Out' spot...Aghh!

But then sometimes he can't wait to take pictures with his brother
And then 30 seconds later...pushes baby brother's head...Aghh

 Then leaves baby brother alone for a minute to have his picture taken by himself

Life with boys is never dull and I feel like our house is never clean!!  But I'd rather spend my time soaking up this crazy time then worrying about my house being spotless...cuz let's be honest, the second I pick up toys, they want to get them back out!

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