Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Sunday Funday

On Sunday we ventured up to Gowrie to celebrate Kris's birthday.  We had a great visit and I was able to try out a new Paleo pulled pork recipe--that is really good!  I'll have to post it on here sometime!  We had some fun with Santa hats with the boys!  Other than that I didn't take many pictures...fail on my part!

Mason looking so thrilled, isn't he?

Yeah, this is pretty much how picture taking goes...Mason pretty much HATES it but Brady is a total ham.  Polar opposites...love it!

Sunday, December 8, 2013


On Friday we did a little more celebrating our Birthday Boy!  We had his party last Sunday and I'll do a post on that as soon as I find my camera cord to download those pictures...so far it's a casualty of our move!  Aghh!
Anyway, I picked Brady up at daycare a little after lunch and we headed to the theater to check out the movie Frozen.  It was such a cute movie!  After the movie, we ran to Target and ran a couple of errands. 
Then it was time for Andy and Mason to come home...and mommy headed out for dinner and drinks with friends.  So Andy took the boys out for dinner and they had some good boy bonding time! 

Brady posing in the Lego cut-out at the theater

He was SO excited and had his favorite...popcorn and m&m's!  No worries, that's water in his cup!

Friday, December 6, 2013

Happy 5th Birthday Brady Boy!!

How can it be that our Brady is 5 years old today?
These past 5 years have flown by and we are amazed everyday by the boy you are becoming Brady. 
You are kind-hearted, curious, happy, caring, animated, active, and a fun-loving little boy. 
Our wish for you is to simply be YOU! 
Despite the mistakes we've made as your parents along the way (you are our guinea pig after all), you have turned out to be one terrific boy!
5 years ago today you made me a mommy and forever changed my life.
It makes me sad that you're not my baby anymore but yet I'm so excited to see the young man you will become. 

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Thanksgiving 2013

We had a great Thanksgiving!  On Thursday, Steve and Brad came over and we ate a yummy traditional Thanksgiving feast.  We relaxed most of the day (naps may have happened...well by me anyway!) and just enjoyed our time together.  Later that evening we decided to put our tree up.  Brady was SO excited and Mason loves looking at the lights.  On Friday morning we headed back to Kimballton and watched the Iowa vs. Nebraska game, hit up some Julefest and then went to my aunt's house that evening for the Petersen Thanksgiving.  More yummy food and family time!  Then on Saturday we had the Parker Thanksgiving  and continued to eat more!  We headed back home that afternoon and then geared up for Brady's 5th birthday party that was on Sunday (more to come on that later).  All in all it was a busy, busy holiday but we wouldn't change anything about it.  We got to spend time with family and that's what it's all about!
Watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade

Christmas tree time!

Mason is infatuated with clapping!

 This is what I see 99% of the time...someone is going through an extremely long 'Mommy' phase...he won't let me out of his sight!  I know I should cherish this time (I keep telling myself that) but it's also extremely difficult!  Love those baby blues though! :-)