Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Bad Boys...Bad Boys

You can sing the rest of the 'Cops' song! Ha ha! We had one very busy weekend! I had the day off on Friday as our daycare was closed. So Brady and I had a fun time at the mall. Then on Saturday Andy had my brother's bachelor party. I think a good time was had by all. :-) Then on Sunday Brady and I headed back to Kimballton for a bridal shower for my cousin Nicole. It was great to see everyone and she got lots and lots of good stuff! When we got home, Brady had a surprise! Daddy put together his cop car that he got for Christmas. He LOVES it!!! Here are a few fun shots. Luke and Brady played outside together and pushed each other. It was so cute! :-)
(We still have the floor in the car, we need to take it out so Brady can propel himself but he doesn't understand that concept yet).


  1. So Cute!! I bet Andy is jealous that he didn't have a car like that when he was little :)

  2. I like the pictures of the boys helping each other with the car. I'd keep the floor in for a while... maybe until Brady gets his driver's license. (ha ha) Cindy
