Wednesday, December 10, 2008

It's a Boy!!! Brady Joseph Cathcart

We are blessed and thrilled to announce that we are the proud parents of a little boy. Brady Joseph Cathcart came into this world on Saturday, December 6, 2008 at 9:09 p.m. I started having contractions at 5 a.m. on Saturday and by 8 a.m. they were coming 5 minutes a part for over an hour so we were on our way to the hospital and checked in at 9:30 a.m. By noon I was in my room and getting my epidural!! I was so excited to get rid of some pain but unfortunately things didn't go the way we had hoped. As I was getting the epidural, the syringe didn't cooperate and the needle entered my spinal fluid. So another attempt was done and was successful however we were a little scared when we were told what happened as we didn't know what it meant...we were told that it could lead to me having a severe headache hours after delivery that would take another procedure to correct. At the time I wasn't worried about it because I was getting relief from the contractions. We had a few hours of painless time and I was moving right along--from a 4 to an 8 dilated in just over 2 hours...they thought that things were progressing really well and Brady's head was really low which would mean minimal pushing--or so we thought. I stalled out at 8 cm for over 4 hours and in the meantime I was given some Petocin (sp) to move things along. All of a sudden I started feeling the contractions in my back and they were extremely painful and with the Petocin making contractions come one after another, it became unbearable. After waiting as long as I could, we decided that it was time for a C-Section. To make an even longer story short, there was no way that I was going to have him naturally. He was one big boy and his head was sideways in my pelvis! It may not have been the ideal birth but we feel so blessed with the outcome. A beautiful baby boy!

Here are his stats:
Name: Brady Joseph Cathcart
Born: Saturday, December 6, 2008
Weight: 9 POUNDS, 1 OUNCE----Yikes!!!
Length: 21 inches
We had a great stay at the hospital, all the nurses and staff were wonderful! We headed home on Tuesday and were here by 2 p.m. We had a rough first night but we expected that. I have been having terrible headaches as a side effect but luckily today it is much better. We have lots of pictures, so enjoy! We also want to thank everyone that came and visited us, we really appreciate it and enjoyed seeing you!

1st Family Photo

Grandma and Grandpa Petersen

Uncle Nick and Auntie Kayla


  1. Hi Brady, I'm so glad that you are a boy. When you get bigger I'm going to show you everything I know, like how to play with trucks and get really dirty and how to say "No way" to your Mommy and Daddy. Get big soon.

  2. Congrats! Super excited to get to know Brady!!! I hope you are feeling better and getting into your routine at home! We'll be up to see you!
    Mere and Jonny
