We had a good, laid back weekend. We didn't do too much as Brady had his first cold (yes, we know we're very lucky as this is the first time he's ever been sick...knock on wood that he doesn't continue to get sick more often!) and he was CRABBY...he wanted to be held by mommy most of the time...oh well, we can't complain he is usually such a good baby. On Sunday we ventured to church and we're not so sure that was a good idea, or next time he's going to the nursery as he isn't wanting to stay still for that long. After church we went on a picnic at a park in town and he was able to get on the swings, which he loves...so for a brief moment he was his old self.
Here are some pics from the weekend...

Playing with my bowls at the park
Great pics sometime those picture sessions arent fun papa