This past weekend we headed back to Kimballton on Friday for the high school football game. I have 2 cousins on the team and my uncle is head coach. It was so different to go to a 'home' game in Exira. This year (for the first time) Elk Horn-Kimballton and Exira are joined in football. Now they are the EHK-E Spartans. All new colors, mascot, uniform, etc. With their combined forces they have been pretty good so far! They won pretty easily on Friday. I think the score was like 53-0. After the game we went to my uncle's house for a post-game get together. My mom took Brady back to their house for bed time so that Andy and I could stay out. I can't remember the last time we were up until 1:30 a.m.! It was a fun time! Andy even won some $ playing poker!
On Saturday Andy and I headed to Exira's Fall Fest to check out what they had going on. I was so glad that we went as there was a Pampered Chef rep there and had some items 40% off and they just happened to be the items I had been needing/wanting! Later that afternoon I ran my 12 mile training run (less than 2 weeks until the marathon!!) and then some family came over tot watch the Hawk's exciting win on Saturday night. It was great to get to see so much family while we were back.
We headed back to Ankeny on Sunday and did a few things around the house. Now it's on to another busy week. Last night Andy had a Monday Night Football party, tonight we are running errands, Wednesday Andy's department is going out for dinner, Thursday night I am going to Taki for dinner with some girlfriends and then we're heading to Gowrie on Friday for a football game and for the weekend...busy, busy! :-)

Brady having biscuits/jelly for the first time...I think he got some in his mouth!

'Grandpa I want more!!'

Climbing on Grandpa

Looking at his favorite picture book
just wanted to let you know we started our own blog! check us out